877-913-1776 info@golocalapps.com
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City App Development, alongside your city’s planning committee, can connect your residents to city services like never before. No more need for paper forms when users can submit electronic forms from their mobile phones. Say ‘hello’ to consistently updating your residents with useful information. Drive attendance to city events by promoting them from within your City App.

What possibilities can you imagine?

GoLocalApps can quickly produce a connected solution for city administration forms, as well as more resident information guides. Need to email your city officials? Need a pothole filled? Report these and more with your city’s official mobile app.

Let your city residents connect with city staff and elected officials on the go. Use a mobile app for a city directory including geo-located office and department information, bill paying and form submissions, and appointment setting. Let people know when the next set of public meetings are and what is on the agenda. Use beacons to bring attention to public art, historic buildings and points of interest.

Click the [showme] to preview.

With City App Development, it’s never been easier to connect residents, city officials, and administration staff. Notify residents when the city has special events or allow your residents to fill out basic administration forms.


Let residents know about upcoming events and public meetings


Send push messages to alert residents to local emergencies


Get reports about graffiti, potholes, and other problems around town


Provide an on-the-go directory of city departments, staff and elected officials

Contact us today for a quick and free consult on how you can integrate your city into a mobile app for iOS and Android.

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